Camp Applications

In the interests of Camp Wendake continuing for the future, we needed to make changes to those eligible to attend Camp and also the fee to attend.  Please read the following before submitting your application:

Who can apply for camp?

Camp Wendake is for PLHIV (People/person living with HIV) who are residents of Ontario.

A PLHIV, their significant other, and/or their dependent children under 16.  If the PLHIV requires assistance, they may bring a qualified support worker.

How much does camp cost?

Pricing for the 2024 season is as follows:
Primary/Individual Applicant $100
Spouse/Support Worker $50
Dependent Child Under 16 $25

*Subject to availability, we may accept additional family members or friends at a cost of $500 per individual.

Please note that all family members that are hoping to attend camp must fill out an application.

How do I pay for camp?

Many AIDS Service Organizations (ASO) will assist with funding for camp fees.  Before you apply for camp, check with your ASO and make sure that they will help you with the registration fee.  You will need to provide your ASO's name and phone number on your application.

Do not send payment until you receive an acceptance email from the registrar.

How are campers selected?

Applications received before July 1st will be entered into our camp lottery, which will be completed by the Registrar and appointed individuals.  Any applicant who was on the waiting list in the previous year will have first opportunity in the new camp year if they apply. When names have been drawn, the first 80 individuals will be notified of their placement into camp. An email will also be sent to inform those who are on the waiting list. Please remember, we traditionally have many individuals cancel from attending camp so it is very likely you may move up from the waiting list! 

Where do campers stay?

All campers stay in large cabins with 10 campers per cabin. Families stay together, often staying with other families. There are men-only and/or women-only cabins as well as co-ed.​ Cabin leaders spend a lot of time arranging cabin mates. A staff person also stays in each cabin to assist with orientation to camp.

How do I get to camp?

Camp Wendake has bus pick up points in Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, London and Windsor. Once you are confirmed to attend camp, you will receive information on bus pick up in your area. Some campers choose to drive to camp. 

What do I need to bring to camp?

Once confirmed for camp you will receive a list of items you should bring to camp. The following are things everyone needs to bring with them: sleeping bag (or sheets and blanket); pillow; towel and wash cloth; towel for the beach; clothing to suit hot weather, chilly nights or rainy days; bathing suit; appropriate footwear for a grassy, rustic campground.

What about my medications?

It is crucial you bring all medications you will need for a week away.  If you are accepted to camp, we will ask for a printout of any medications that you are taking from your pharmacy. We must receive this by the cutoff date of August 9th if you wish to attend camp.

At Camp Wendake, all campers and volunteers must keep medications in the Nursing Cabin (Club Meds). This is an Ontario Camping Association standard as there are children on-site and it is important your medication is in a safe place. You have access to your medication 24/7 and it is simply in the nursing cabin for camp-wide safety. The nursing cabin has a fridge for medications requiring refrigeration.

Can I bring alcohol or marijuana to camp?

Our community expectations does not allow for recreational substances like alcohol, marijuana or illicit drugs to be brought to camp. If this is something that will be difficult for you for a week, Camp Wendake may not be right for you at this time. Medical marijuana with a prescription or club card is allowed, like any prescribed medication.

What is expected of me while at camp?

Please see our community expectations policy for a full list of expectations.

A rustic environment

It is important to know that Camp Wendake is physically in a rustic setting without any paved walkways or paths. Washrooms are not in camper cabins; but are in close proximity. Ground cover is loose gravel and grass covered fields. The access to our beautiful beach is by way of a staircase leading down a sandy hill to the stunning Lake Huron.  If you have limited mobility and you have questions about the accessibility of our campsite, please contact us for more information.

Ready to Apply?

Applications are currently closed.  Subscribe to our newsletter to be notified when they open.